LOTOS Databook

Consolidated sales (quarterly)


quarterly 4Q10 3Q10 2Q10 1Q10 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 3Q08 2Q08 1Q08

Sales volume

'000 t                        
Gasoline 364.3 386.1 371.5 331.3 340.4 350.6 340.9 279.6 329.5 340.7 343.9 324.7
Naphtha 74.6 31.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Reformat 49.9 36.6 30.2 37.2 48.9 44.8 6.0 12.1 36.6 30.3 30.2 54.4
Diesel (ULSD) 1 121.1 1 133.1 967.5 885.2 1 069.3 1 030.2 883.1 763.1 901.0 860.3 659.8 601.7
Bunker fuel  13.2 7.8 7.6 6.0 11.7 6.9 26.2 18.5 46.7 100.9 59.9 28.4
Light heating oil 152.8 78.6 49.3 107.4 106.3 60.5 47.5 115.9 110.7 74.2 53.5 100.3
HSFO 334.5 133.5 226.8 320.9 127.1 28.8 44.4 229.2 151.9 57.6 103.5 340.4
Jet fuel 46.5 68.2 61.9 74.2 61.4 116.4 98.3 89.0 126.7 121.7 120.6 122.9
Lubricants 8.3 18.7 22.0 15.2 16.6 17.5 21.6 12.5 15.9 21.2 23.1 17.5
Base oils 27.9 27.7 33.9 30.5 26.1 35.7 24.6 19.7 26.7 22.1 26.3 23.0
Bitumens 226.8 334.1 238.4 41.8 212.3 315.5 233.1 38.0 209.6 306.6 275.9 47.9
LPG 22.6 29.2 24.5 16.9 19.4 38.1 46.3 40.5 29.8 65.6 50.1 43.8
Other refining good and products 44.5 43.0 40.7 32.8 31.9 36.4 28.7 26.9 26.5 28.7 27.0 28.5
Total 2 487.0 2 327.9 2 074.3 1 899.4 2 071.4 2 081.4 1 800.7 1 645.0 2 011.6 2 029.9 1 773.8 1 733.5

Consolidated net sales

PLN m                        
Gasoline 1 531.6 1 571.0 1 544.8 1 331.2 1 300.1 1 423.1 1 399.3 956.6 1 144.8 1 433.1 1 425.9 1 223.6
Naphtha 175.0 64.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Reformat 117.1 81.8 70.4 78.4 94.9 85.4 13.4 17.9 51.9 69.3 69.0 111.9
Diesel (ULSD) 4 437.4 4 308.2 3 714.0 3 097.5 3 245.9 3 378.0 2 779.8 2 340.4 2 956.2 3 258.2 2 699.9 2 193.6
Bunker fuel  29.6 15.7 17.7 11.5 34.5 12.0 37.1 23.3 69.8 214.4 133.2 50.7
Light heating oil 405.8 197.2 125.3 243.8 229.9 126.2 95.9 228.6 236.1 202.5 151.9 249.3
HSFO 427.3 182.7 310.9 410.8 163.0 41.1 49.4 170.3 111.3 68.8 120.0 357.1
Jet fuel 108.7 157.0 149.6 152.2 119.6 211.5 175.9 144.9 231.9 318.7 327.5 276.3
Lubricants 90.4 86.8 94.3 63.0 64.7 83.5 104.2 64.0 69.1 107.2 114.2 78.3
Base oils 92.5 90.6 94.0 71.5 59.9 78.7 44.6 36.7 102.0 71.5 63.8 50.0
Bitumens 351.4 516.4 356.9 53.9 322.8 458.0 287.3 41.1 298.4 416.1 323.8 55.1
LPG 71.7 84.0 65.6 50.0 54.2 85.6 81.7 77.7 104.4 136.9 131.1 119.6
Other refining good and products 68.7 85.2 77.6 59.0 63.0 59.1 49.6 47.1 52.6 64.1 51.9 48.4
Other goods and materials 61.7 53.4 32.5 28.9 41.4 46.4 20.9 21.9 32.0 35.7 16.3 15.6
Services 50.1 46.9 41.4 33.9 36.1 29.1 26.6 21.7 27.0 27.0 29.5 19.2
Other adjustments* 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16.4 -5.7 -8.2 -2.5 12.6 -5.6 -5.0 -2.0
Excise and fuel tax -2 279.6 -2 259.0 -1 947.9 -1 774.0 -1 821.9 -1 980.0 -1 709.6 -1 473.1 -1 749.0 -1 653.7 -1 435.1 -1 285.2
Total 5 739.4 5 282.8 4 747.1 3 911.6 4 024.5 4 132.0 3 447.9 2 716.6 3 751.1 4 764.2 4 217.9 3 561.5


* Other adjustments related to bonuses and previously not settled for products

