Notes to the financial statements

28. Current Financial Assets

PLN '000 Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Positive valuation of derivative financial instruments: 39,703 47,017
- commodity swaps (raw materials and petroleum products) 1,472 -
- futures (CO2 emissions) 35 442
- currency forward and spot contracts 37,541 46,575
- forward rate agreements (FRAs) 655 -
Deposits (1) 5,932 -
Shares in other undertakings 12 12
Total 45,647 47,029

(1) Deposits of PLN 5,932 thousand serve as security for the repayment of interest on the loan contracted to finance inventories. As at December 31st 2009, deposits of PLN 5,819 thousand were disclosed under non-current financial assets.

As at December 31st 2010, positive valuation of financial instruments related to mandatory hedging contracts over which an assignment was created as security for the credit facility referred to in Note 34 amounted to PLN 1,326 thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 41,698 thousand).

This is a translation of a document originally issued in Polish
The notes to the financial statements, presented on following pages, are their integral part.
