Notes to the financial statements

22. Assets Held for Sale

PLN '000 Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Land 443 1,376
Buildings and structures 3,172 2,676
Plant and equipment 2,401 33
Vehicles 2 1,124
Total non-current assets 6,018 5,209
Financial assets held for sale, including: 77 -
- cash and cash equivalents 77 -
Other current assets held for sale 1,816 -
Total current assets 1,893 -
Total assets held for sale 7,911 5,209

Assets held for sale represent items that the Group intends to sell within twelve months from the change of their classification.

Assets held for sale at the Group as at December 31st 2010 included perpetual usufruct rights to land, buildings, structures, plant and equipment associated mainly with the processing of crude oil and catalytic processing of plastics business areas and assets of the heavy fuel oil production department in the form of an organised part of business, as well as assets associated with PLASTEKOL Organizacja Odzysku S.A.

Assets held for sale at the Group as at December 31st 2009 included, inter alia, owned land , perpetual usufruct rights to land, buildings, structures, plant and equipment related to service stations and the storage and reloading base (logistics assets), as well as vehicles (railway engines). During the year ended December 31st 2010, these assets were sold, at the loss of PLN 224 thousand (see Note 12.4).

On February 11th 2011, LOTOS Jasło S.A. entered into an agreement with an external entity concerning sale of five investment areas, including an organised part of business and a block of 95.5% shares in PLASTEKOL Organizacja Odzysku S.A., for a total amount of PLN10,200 thousand.

Assets held for sale presented in the downstream segment as at December 31st 2010 amounted to PLN 7,911 thousand (as at December 31st 2009: PLN 2,409 thousand).

During the year ended December 31st 2010, the Group recognised under other operating expenses an impairment loss on non-current assets held for sale in the amount of PLN 2,800 thousand (as at December 31st 2009: PLN 5 thousand) (see Note 12.4).

During the year ended December 31st 2010, the Group reversed and carried as other operating income an impairment loss on non-current assets held for sale in the amount of PLN 4,117 thousand (as at December 31st 2009: the Group did not reverse any impairment losses on non-current assets held for sale) (see Note 12.2).

This is a translation of a document originally issued in Polish
The notes to the financial statements, presented on following pages, are their integral part.
