Notes to the financial statements

17. Property, Plant and Equipment and Tangible Assets under Construction

PLN '000 Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Land 398,030 395,869
Buildings and structures 2,851,534 1,931,190
Plant and equipment 2,535,512 771,728
Vehicles and other 388,722 339,842
Total property. plant and equipment 6,173,798 3,438,629
Tangible assets under construction 4,197,422 6,086,780
Prepayments for tangible assets under construction 16,262 153,536
Total tangible assets under construction 4,213,684 6,240,316
Total  10,387,482 9,678,945

As at December 31st 2010, financing costs capitalised in tangible assets under construction and prepayments for tangible assets under construction amounted to PLN 155,474 thousand (as at December 31st 2009: PLN 191,703 thousand).

Changes to Property, Plant and Equipment and Prepayments for Tangible Assets under Construction
PLN '000 Land Buildings and structures Plant and equipment Vehicles and other Tangible assets under construction - exploration and evaluation assets
Prepayments for tangible assets under construction
  - exploration and evaluation assets  (1)
Gross book value
as at Jan 1 2009
400,485 2,181,906 1,305,173 505,837 2,788,049 94,710 1,200,713 8,382,163
Increase 7,326 357,255 257,014 169,541 3,443,277 (3,511) (1,047,177) 3,187,236
- purchase - 34 1,887 51,332 2,642,403 22,543 258,581 2,954,237
- transfer from investments 5,653 258,896 202,916 106,828 (589,781) (26,054) - (15,488)
- change in Group structure 1,605 79,887 48,797 184 105 - - 130,578
- transfer 42 2,340 3,689 7,947 (6,463) - - 7,555
- reclassified to assets held for sale - - (167) (20,729) - - - (20,896)
- reclassified from assets held for sale 26 - - - - - - 26
- exchange differences on translation of foreign operations - - (157) (3,354) 69,827 - 7 66,323
- settled prepayments - - - - 1,272,779 - (1,272,779) -
- borrowing costs - - - - 38,943 - (32,986) 5,957
- assets related to decommissioning of the Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities - 15,853 - - 15,178 - - 31,031
- other - 245 49 27,333 286 - - 27,913
Decrease (1,118) (19,396) (14,051) (13,512) (70,965) (20,360) - (119,042)
- sale (675) (5,140) (6,859) (8,556) (48,575) - - (69,805)
- liquidation - (1,717) (4,680) (4,198) (303) - - (10,898)
- change in Group structure (443) (12,539) (2,512) (595) (710) - - (16,799)
- other - - - (163) (21,377) (20,360) - (21,540)
Gross book value
as at Dec 31 2009
406,693 2,519,765 1,548,136 661,866 6,160,361 70,839 153,536 11,450,357
Gross book value
as at Jan 1 2010
406,693 2,519,765 1,548,136 661,866 6,160,361 70,839 153,536 11,450,357
Increase 3,787 1,060,148 1,896,719 146,096 (1,822,732) 31,860 (137,194) 1,146,824
- purchase - - 6,094 31,422 929,016 31,860 57,075 1,023,607
- transfer from investments 4,246 1,061,710 1,901,476 111,402 (3,091,898) - - (13,064)
- transfer (16) (1,481) 59 405 - - - (1,033)
- reclassified to assets held for sale (443) (8,987) (11,164) (529) - - - (21,123)
- exchange differences on translation of foreign operations - - 116 2,943 23,603 - - 26,662
- settled prepayments - - - - 194,269 - (189,901) 4,368
- borrowing costs - - - - 116,210 - (4,368) 111,842
- assets related to decommissioning of the Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities - 8,906 - - 6,066 - - 14,972
- other - - 138 453 2 - - 593
Decrease (660) (5,727) (16,894) (14,240) (3,592) (188) (80) (41,193)
- sale (628) (2,814) (6,006) (10,078) (708) - - (20,234)
- liquidation (28) (2,875) (10,882) (4,162) (614) - - (18,561)
- other (4) (38) (6) - (2,270) (188) (80) (2,398)
Gross book value
as at Dec 31 2010
409,820 3,574,186 3,427,961 793,722 4,334,037 102,511 16,262 12,555,988
Accumulated depreciation
as at Jan 1 2009
8,743 471,674 683,198 262,210 - - - 1,425,825
Increase 1,572 114,456 97,882 69,485 - - - 283,395
- depreciation 1,546 112,879 94,489 63,864 - - - 272,778
- transfer - 1,577 3,657 4,326 - - - 9,560
- reclassified to assets held for sale - - (158) (9,445) - - - (9,603)
- reclassified from assets held for sale 26 - - - - - - 26
- exchange differences on translation of foreign operations - - (108) (2,200) - - - (2,308)
- other - - 2 12,940 - - - 12,942
Decrease (6) (4,440) (9,652) (10,083) - - - (24,181)
- sale (4) (2,516) (5,090) (6,492) - - - (14,102)
- liquidation - (705) (4,131) (3,448) - - - (8,284)
- change in Group structure (2) (1,219) (429) (97) - - - (1,747)
- other - - (2) (46) - - - (48)
Accumulated depreciation
as at Dec 31 2009
10,309 581,690 771,428 321,612 - - - 1,685,039
Accumulated depreciation
as at Jan 1 2010
10,309 581,690 771,428 321,612 - - - 1,685,039
Increase 1,339 138,191 134,221 94,175 - - - 367,926
- depreciation 1,339 144,286 140,409 91,934 - - - 377,968
- transfer - (829) 87 1,189 - - - 447
- reclassified to assets held for sale - (5,266) (6,385) (526) - - - (12,177)
- exchange differences on translation of foreign operations - - 78 1,578 - - - 1,656
- other - - 32 - - - - 32
Decrease (266) (1,246) (13,563) (10,809) - - - (25,884)
- sale (6) (327) (3,212) (8,237) - - - (11,782)
- liquidation - (908) (10,349) (2,572) - - - (13,829)
- other (260) (11) (2) - - - - (273)
Accumulated depreciation
as at Dec 31 2010
11,382 718,635 892,086 404,978 - - - 2,027,081

Impairment losses as at Jan 1 2009

425 4,986 5,404 8,163 40,589 15,444 - 59,567
Increase 101 14,454 2,282 7,798 33,655 10 - 58,290
Decrease - (1,557) (710) (15,492) (663) - - (18,422)
Change in Group structure (11) (10,998) (1,996) (57) - - - (13,062)
Impairment losses as at Dec 31 2009
515 6,885 4,980 412 73,581 15,454 - 86,373
Impairment losses as at Jan 1 2010 515 6,885 4,980 412 73,581 15,454 - 86,373
Increase - 3,254 299 142 63,047 47,692 - 66,742
Reclassified to assets held for sale - (1,687) (4,414) (3) - - - (6,104)
Decrease (107) (4,435) (502) (529) (13) - - (5,586)
Impairment losses as at Dec 31 2010 408 4,017 363 22 136,615 63,146 - 141,425
Net book value
as at Jan 1 2009
391,317 1,705,246 616,571 235,464 2,747,460 79,266 1,200,713 6,896,771
Net book value
as at Dec 31 2009
395,869 1,931,190 771,728 339,842 6,086,780 55,385 153,536 9,678,945
Net book value
as at Dec 31 2010
398,030 2,851,534 2,535,512 388,722 4,197,422 39,365 16,262 10,387,482


(1) The value of exploration and evaluation assets comprises the value of expenses capitalised until technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting a mineral resource are demonstrable.

As at December 31st 2009, the net value of the items of property, plant and equipment serving as collateral for the Group’s liabilities was PLN 5,970,414  thousand (as at December 31st 2009: PLN 2,133,547 thousand).

The cost of servicing the liabilities incurred to finance tangible assets under construction and prepayments for tangible assets under construction in the year ended December 31st 2010 amounted to PLN 111,842 thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 117,840 thousand).

As at December 31st 2010, the net value of the oil and gas facilities decommissioning asset referred to in Note 36.1 amounted to PLN 112,929 thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 106,600 thousand).

In the year ended December 31st 2010, the cost of depreciation of property, plant and equipment in respect of which technical feasibility and commercial viability of extracting a mineral resource have been demonstrated amounted to PLN 6,146 thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 5,827 thousand).

Costs of direct purchases of materials and investment services related to exploration and evaluation assets amounted to PLN 15,098 thousand (2009: PLN 7,525 thousand), including direct cash flows from investing activities related to exploration and evaluation assets of PLN 14,965 thousand (2009: PLN 7,452 thousand). As at December 31st 2010, investment liabilities amounted to PLN 133 thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 73 thousand).

In the year ended December 31st 2010, impairment losses on exploration and evaluation assets amounted to PLN 47,692 thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 10 thousand). Furthermore, in 2010 the Group charged depreciation on exploration and evaluation assets in the amount of PLN 36 thousand.

In the year ended December 31st 2010, the Group recognised an impairment loss related to the IGCC project in the amount of PLN 14,230  thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 33,588 thousand).

Prospects for Development of the B-4 and B-6 Gas Fields

The item “Tangible assets under construction” includes expenditure of PLN 48,113 thousand incurred by LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. on gas exploration at the B-4 and B-6 fields (including exploration and evaluation assets of PLN 47,520 thousand), on which an impairment loss was recognised in 2010 (the impairment loss was charged to other operating expenses). According to the findings of the analyses which have been carried out, significant capital expenditure is required to obtain profitable commercial production of hydrocarbons. Given the results of the activities carried out to date with the aim of finding a partner for a joint development of the B-4 and B-6 gas fields, the Management Board of LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. made a decision to intensify the process. In the medium term, LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. does not plan to incur any material expenditure on development of the B-4 and B-6 gas fields, until there are any concrete arrangements regarding the terms of potential cooperation with a business partner as part of a joint venture.

Information on Interests in Norwegian Production and Exploration Licences

The item “Tangible assets under construction” includes expenditure of NOK 2,345,122 thousand (the equivalent of PLN 1,189,212 thousand, translated at the mid-exchange rate for NOK quoted by the National Bank of Poland for December 31st 2010) incurred by LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS on the purchase of interests in Norwegian production licences and on the YME field development, additionally adjusted by the tax effect connected with the YME field purchase transaction, of NOK 75,966 thousand (i.e. PLN 38,522 thousand, translated at the mid-exchange rate for NOK quoted by the National Bank of Poland for December 31st 2010).

The Group tested these assets for impairment based on a discounted cash flow analysis of LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS's interests in the hydrocarbon reserves held under the acquired production licences covering the YME field development project. As at December 31st 2010, the carrying value of these interests amounted to NOK 2,270 million, taking into account the tax effect connected with the YME field purchase transaction.

The YME field impairment test as at December 31st 2010 was carried out assuming a change in crude oil prices by +/-15%/bbl relative to Brent crude oil spot and forward prices as at January 3rd 2011, a +/-15% change on the USD/NOK forward rate as at January 3rd 2011, and a +/-15% change in the YME field reserves, analysing a weighted average cost of capital of 6.5% to 9% subject to a 78% marginal tax rate.

The Group determines the recoverable amount of the YME field based on the values in use, using the discounted cash flow method. Future cash flows were calculated by LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS based on 10-year production volume and cost forecasts prepared by Talisman Energy AS (the field operator).

As at December 31st 2010, the carrying amount of the assets related to the YME field was within the limits of the recoverable amount ranges, determined by assuming a +/-15%/bbl change in crude oil prices, a +/-15% change in the USD/NOK exchange rate and a +/-15% change in the field reserves, and analysing a weighted average cost of capital of 6.5% to 9% after tax. Therefore, the Management Board concluded that the tests did not demonstrate any necessity to recognise impairment losses.

Sensitivity to Changes in the Adopted Assumptions

Calculation of the YME field's recoverable amount is most sensitive to the following variables:

  • Volatility in crude oil prices
  • Volume of recoverable crude oil reserves in the YME field
  • NOK/USD exchange rate fluctuations
  • Discount

Due to high market volatility, in particular with respect to crude oil prices, the adopted assumptions might be subject to reasonable changes, as a result of which the YME field's carrying amount may exceed its recoverable amount. Therefore, it is uncertain whether the assets recognised in connection with the YME field will be realised, as the projected cash flows depend on a number of factors in the future, in particular crude price fluctuations.

Given the specific structure of the project, involving significant tax benefits and the related tax shield, and provided that the assumptions adopted at the end of 2010 remain unchanged, the major part of the projects' recoverable amount will be absorbed in 2011-2014. Therefore, when applying the units-of-production depreciation method (which consists in charging to expenses the depreciation attributable to a unit of produced crude oil) the carrying amount of the YME field related assets may be decreasing at a slower rate than their recoverable amount, which may entail the necessity to make charges to expenses to decrease the assets' carrying amount in excess of the recoverable amount.

As at December 31st 2010, LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS held exploration licences PL 316 and PL 316B (20% interest in the YME field) and the following exploration licence interests: 20% interest in licence PL 455, 10% interest in licence PL 497/497B, 25% interest in licence PL 498, 25% interest in licence PL 503, 20% interest in licence PL 515, and 50% interest in licence PL 556.

Furthermore, under “Intangible assets” LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS recognised expenditure of NOK 115,892 thousand as at December 31st 2010 (the equivalent of PLN 58,769 thousand, translated at the mid-exchange rate for NOK quoted by the National Bank of Poland for December 31st 2010) incurred on the exploration licences, and in particular the PL 455 licence. The balance sheet item “Intangible assets” is additionally adjusted by the tax effect of NOK 271 thousand (i.e. PLN 138 thousand, translated at the mid-exchange rate for NOK quoted by the National Bank of Poland for December 31st 2010). As at December 31st 2010, the net value of intangible assets related to exploration licences, net of impairment loss, amounts to NOK 60,246 thousand (the equivalent of PLN 30,551 thousand, translated at the mid-exchange rate for NOK quoted by the National Bank of Poland for December 31st 2010) (see Note 18).

Volume of the Crude Oil and Natural Gas Reserves Held by the LOTOS Group

The volume of crude oil and natural gas reserves held by the LOTOS Group is as follows:

  Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Crude oil (2P*) 6.2 million tonnes 6.4 million tonnes
Crude oil (2C**) 1.3 million tonnes 0.8 million tonnes
Natural gas (2P*) 0.5 billion cubic metres 4.5 billion cubic metres
Natural gas (2C**) 6.5 billion cubic metres 2.4 billion cubic metres


*2P - proved and probable reserves
**2C - contingent resources

As at December 31st 2010, the Group reclassified gas reserves from 2P (proved and probable reserves) to 2C (contingent resources), until there are any concrete arrangements regarding the terms of potential cooperation with a business partner as part of a joint venture and development of the B-4 and B-6 fields advances, enabling commercial production.

The 10+ Programme (Comprehensive Technical Upgrade Programme)

An element of the growth strategy of the LOTOS Group is the implementation of the 10+ Programme, designed to increase the throughput capacity of the Gdańsk Refinery by approximately 75%, that is to 10.5m tonnes of crude oil p.a., at a higher conversion ratio.

As at December 31st 2010, the 10+ Programme reached a 100% completion status, meaning it was completed as scheduled. All the work connected with the engineering design, procurement and construction has been completed for all the basic and auxiliary installations.

In 2010, the following basic units reached the Ready For Start Up status:

  • mild hydrocracker (MHC),
  • residue oil supercritical extraction (ROSE).

On December 31st 2010, the Final Acceptance Commission signed the Ready for Start Up Certificate for the ROSE unit, the last of the installations constructed as part of the 10+ Programme to have been officially handed over for start up to the target user (the Crude Oil Distillation Complex).

Also the following auxiliary infrastructure entered the Ready For Start Up phase in 2010:

  • nitrogen production unit,
  • hydrogen recovery unit (HRU),
  • inter-facility pipeline connection systems (phase III),
  • pumping stations,
  • buildings of the S31 electrical substation,
  • roads and yards commissioned gradually together with the installations.

The majority of the 10+ Programme units and facilities have been placed in operation in 2010, including:

  • amine sulphur recovery unit (ASR),
  • hydrogen generation unit (HGU),
  • hydrodesulphurisation unit (HDS),
  • refinery-harbour product pipeline,
  • hydrogen recovery unit (HRU),
  • crude distillation unit (CDU/VDU),
  • product tanks,
  • pumping stations.

Work on the 10+ Programme units which has been scheduled for 2011 includes mainly work related to start up of the MHC and the ROSE units, as well as additional work related to operational recommendations for the CDU/VDU unit and extension of the utilities and off-sites.

At present, Grupa LOTOS S.A. is making preparations to launch in 2012-2015 the second phase of the 10+ Programme, which will focus on the management of heavy residue. As at December 31st 2010, capitalised expenditure on the IGCC project, including a reduction of production lines capacity and a different method of processing of gases, was PLN 6,239 thousand (as at December 31st 2009: PLN 20,468 thousand).

This is a translation of a document originally issued in Polish
The notes to the financial statements, presented on following pages, are their integral part.
