Notes to the financial statements

13. Income Tax

13.1 Tax Expense

The main components of the tax expense for the year ended December 31st 2010 and for the year ended December 31st 2009 are as follows:

PLN '000 Year ended
Dec 31 2010
Year ended
Dec 31 2009
Corporate income tax 94,810 84,239
Deferred tax (54,224) 113,557
Total tax charged to consolidated profit 40,586 197,796
Income tax expense recognised in the statement of changes in equity - 88
Income tax expense recognised in other comprehensive income (2,877) -

For entities operating in Poland, the current portion of income tax was calculated at the rate of 19% of the corporate income tax base. In the case of foreign subsidiary LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS, the marginal tax rate is 78% of the tax base. LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS's activities are subject to taxation under two parallel tax systems: the corporate income tax system (28% tax rate) and the petroleum tax system (additional tax rate of 50%).

13.2 Income Tax Calculated at Effective Tax Rate and Reconciliation of Pre-tax Profit (Loss) to Taxable Income

The change in deferred tax assets and liabilities charged to the statement of comprehensive income in 2010 is primarily attributable to the fact that as of January 1st 2010 Grupa LOTOS S.A. and some Group companies have applied the tax method to measure the foreign exchange differences for the purpose of corporate income tax settlements. In 2007-2009, the Parent Undertaking and some Group companies used the accounting method to measure the foreign exchange differences for the purpose of corporate income tax settlements.

PLN '000 Year ended
Dec 31 2010
Year ended
Dec 31 2009
Pre-tax profit/(loss) 721,939 1,109,608
Income tax at the rate of 19% 137,168 210,826
Tax effect of tax losses incurred in period 693 2,761
Tax effect of interest in investments in associated undertakings (3,543) (1,563)
Income tax disclosed in the statement of changes in equity - 88
Bio-component tax relief adjustment (3,296) -
Adjustments disclosed in current year related to tax for previous years (3,334) (29)
Difference resulting from tax charged at rates other than 19% (61,973) (6,521)
Permanent differences 20,500 (6,698)
Tax effect of bio-component tax relief (19,964) -
Tax effect of special economic zone tax relief (4,755) -
Other differences (20,910) (1,068)
Total 40,586 197,796
Income tax at efective tax rate 5.6% 17.8%

The difference between the tax amount disclosed in the statement of comprehensive income and the amount calculated by applying the tax rate to pre-tax profit results from the following items:

PLN '000 Year ended
Dec 31 2010
Year ended
Dec 31 2009
Pre-tax profit/(loss) of companies subject to 19% tax rate 759,768 1,047,841
Income tax at the rate of 19% 144,356 199,090
Tax effect of revenue/income not classified as revenue/income under tax regulations (145,063) (117,541)
Tax effect of expenses which are non-deductible under tax regulations 210,752 114,941
Tax effect of tax losses deducted in period (62,945) (65,751)
Tax effect of tax losses incurred in period 693 2,761
Tax effect of interest in investments in associated undertakings (3,543) (1,563)
Other (21,119) (11,145)
Total 123,131 120,792
Income tax disclosed in the statement of changes in equity - 88
Bio-component tax relief adjustment (3,296) -
Adjustments disclosed in current year related to tax for previous years (3,334) (29)
Income tax of companies subject to 19% tax rate 116,501 120,851
Tax effect of foreign operations (a) (21,691) (36,612)
Total income tax disclosed in the statement of comprehensive income 94,810 84,239
Pre-tax profit/(loss) of foreign operations subject to 28% and 50% tax rate (37,829) 61,767
Revenue/income not classified as revenue/income under tax regulations 2,156 (16,707)
Expenses which are non-deductible under tax regulations (187,141) (179,386)
Other differences (3,209) (3,669)
Tax base – taxation at the tax rate of 28% (226,023) (137,995)
Tax credit in connection with higher depreciation of assets (61,359) (44,674)
Other 33,320 (9,451)
Tax base – taxation at the tax rate of 50% (254,062) (192,120)
Income tax at the rate of 28% (63,286) (38,639)
Income tax at the rate of 50% (127,031) (96,060)
Accrued tax loss carry-forward 165,404 96,460
Other differences 3,222 1,627
Tax effect of foreign operations (a) (21,691) (36,612)

13.3 Corporate Income Tax Receivable and Payable

PLN '000 Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Corporate income tax receivable 47,492 131,299
Expected tax refund (1) 47,492 131,299
Corporate income tax payable 15,188 11,867
Income tax expected to be paid 15,188 11,867

(1) The Parent Undertaking offset corporate income tax receivable against VAT payable in 2009 and 2010.

13.4 Deferred Income Tax

As at December 31st 2010, December 31st 2009 and January 1st 2009, the net deferred tax assets (liabilities) comprised the following items:

PLN '000 Statement of financial position Statement of comprehensive income
for the year ended
Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Jan 1 2009
Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Deferred tax liabilities          
Difference between present tax and accounting value of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 518,132 373,262 207,580 144,870 165,682
Positive valuation of derivatives 13,180 10,508 20,635 2,672 (10,127)
Finance lease 16,089 16,452 180 (363) 16,272
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations recognised in equity 2,877 - - 2,877 -
Exchange differences on revaluation of foreign-currency denominated items 21,146 20,216 13 930 20,203
Other 21,475 12,558 3,888 8,917 8,670
Deferred tax liabilities  592,899 432,996 232,296 159,903 200,700
Deferred tax assets          
Provision for employee benefits 34,783 18,903 19,412 15,880 (509)
Impairment losses on inventories 1,473 1,531 40,108 (58) (38,577)
Impairment losses on property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 23,264 11,036 113 12,228 10,923
Negative valuation of derivatives 52,036 41,875 29,339 10,161 12,536
Exchange differences on revaluation of foreign-currency denominated items 35,985 1 - 35,984 1
Impairment losses on receivables 18,011 20,772 16,002 (2,761) 4,770
Finance lease 14,415 15,729 183 (1,314) 15,546
Difference between oil and gas facilities decommissioning provision and asset 15,551 10,932 8,055 4,619 2,877
Unrealised margin assets 1,789 8,026 5,465 (6,237) 2,561
Accrued tax loss carry-forward 380,561 269,653 127,189 110,908 142,464
Other provisions 8,997 3,986 2,012 5,011 1,974
Tax relief on biocomponents 19,964 - - 19,964 -
Special economic zone tax relief 4,755 - - 4,755 -
Other 18,073 14,208 75,175 3,865 (60,967)
Deferred tax assets 629,657 416,652 323,053 213,005 93,599
Deferred tax expense       (53,102) 107,101
Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations       (1,108) 6,810
Other differences       (14) (354)
Deferred tax expense recognised in the statement of comprehensive income       (54,224) 113,557
Net deferred tax assets/liabilities, including: 36,758 (16,344) 90,757    
Deferred tax assets – continuing operations 629,657 416,652 323,053    
Deferred tax assets – discontinued operations  - - -    
Deferred tax liabilities – continuing operations (592,899) (432,996) (232,296)    
Deferred tax liabilities – discontinued operations  - - -    

As at December 31st 2009, asset related to accrued tax loss carry-forward in the amount of
PLN 88 thousand was recognised in the statement of changes in equity.

Since the Group companies are separate taxpayers, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated at each company individually. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are offset by the Group companies. Consequently, consolidated balance-sheets present deferred tax assets and liabilities as follows:

PLN '000 Dec 31 2010 Dec 31 2009
Deferred tax assets 159,901 74,267
Deferred tax liabilities (123,143) (90,611)
Net deferred tax assets/(liabilities) 36,758 (16,344)

Taxable temporary differences are expected to expire in 2011–2085.

As at December 31st 2010, the value of losses with respect to which no deferred tax assets were recognised in the balance sheet amounted to PLN 78,937 thousand (December 31st 2009: PLN 66,761  thousand).

This is a translation of a document originally issued in Polish
The notes to the financial statements, presented on following pages, are their integral part.
