LOTOS Databook

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income (quarterly)

4Q10 3Q10 2Q10 1Q10 4Q09 3Q09 2Q09 1Q09 4Q08 3Q08 2Q08 1Q08
Sales revenue 5 739.4 5 282.8 4 747.1 3 911.6 4 024.5 4 132.0 3 447.9 2 716.6 3 751.1 4 764.2 4 217.9 3 561.5
Cost of sales -5 109.8 -4 692.9 -4 197.7 -3 565.1 -3 612.6 -3 658.1 -3 038.1 -2 467.0 -4 078.3 -4 461.7 -3 559.0 -3 216.0
Gross profit 629.6 589.9 549.4 346.5 411.9 473.9 409.8 249.6 -327.2 302.5 658.9 345.5
Goodwill impairment allowance 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -12.6 0.0 0.0 0.0
Cost of sales -240.7 -236.5 -218.4 -175.4 -205.3 -193.0 -169.2 -158.9 -203.3 -187.0 -185.9 -161.1
General management costs -122.6 -100.2 -92.3 -84.9 -106.3 -75.6 -68.9 -81.8 -96.5 -67.8 -67.1 -85.4
Other operating income 37.9 14.0 8.6 7.2 46.7 8.5 7.6 11.5 10.6 5.4 8.9 4.9
Other operating expenses -74.4 -24.6 -16.9 -27.1 -82.2 -29.5 -21.3 -7.7 -36.4 -13.9 -29.1 -9.2
Operating profit/(loss) 229.8 242.6 230.4 66.3 64.8 184.3 158.0 12.7 -665.4 39.2 385.7 94.7
Financial income 31.0 192.9 -36.0 45.9 313.0 604.0 31.9 6.0 -234.0 -178.5 96.0 396.7
Financial costs -22.8 863.2 -1 016.9 -111.5 -147.7 -89.7 731.1 -797.6 -223.8 -140.6 41.1 -141.3
Interest in investments in associated undertakings 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 26.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Loss of control over subsidiary 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.2 30.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Pre-tax profit/(loss) 238.0 1 298.7 -822.5 0.7 238.1 729.4 921.0 -778.9 -1 096.7 -279.9 522.8 350.1
Income tax -14.9 -247.4 177.0 23.4 -9.0 -149.9 -160.3 121.4 229.4 56.0 -99.8 -71.3
Net profit/(loss) from continuing operations 223.1 1 051.3 -645.5 24.1 229.1 579.5 760.7 -657.5 -867.3 -223.9 423.0 278.8
 - attributable to Owners of the parent 223.1 1 051.0 -645.9 22.8 227.3 578.9 744.7 -650.1 -881.6 -237.8 398.0 267.9
 - attributable to Non-controling interests 0.0 0.3 0.4 1.3 1.8 0.6 16.0 -7.4 14.3 13.9 25.0 10.9
Exchange differences on translating foreign operations 4.3 -18.9 28.2 -8.0 -4.4 -3.0 -94.9 119.2 29.3 3.7 -2.6 -3.6
Total comprehensive income 227.4 1 032.4 -617.3 16.1 224.7 576.5 665.8 -538.3 -838.0 -220.2 420.4 275.2
 - attributable to Owners of the parent 227.3 1 032.2 -617.9 14.9 213.4 575.7 649.9 -530.9 -852.3 -234.1 395.4 264.3
 - attributable to Non-controling interests 0.1 0.2 0.6 1.2 11.3 0.8 15.9 -7.4 14.3 13.9 25.0 10.9

Excise and fuel tax

Excise duty an fuel tax 2 279.6 2 259.0 1 947.9 1 774.0 1 821.9 1 980.0 1 709.6 1 473.1 1 749.0 1 653.7 1 435.1 1 285.2


Depreciation 113.2 102.3 91.4 79.8 82.4 72.5 67.5 62.4 78.2 79.0 78.2 79.6
EBITDA 343.0 344.9 321.8 146.1 147.2 256.8 225.5 75.1 -587.2 118.2 463.9 174.3

